Communities: San Juan la Laguna, Santiago Atitlán, Chuaxijil, Quiejel, Patanatic


La vide, Life. Abraham Mendoza

Proyecto mardre, Mother project. Chema Vásquez

El tocoyal, Tocoyal. Tony Say


Desprrotegidas, Unprotected. Diego Petzey Quiejú

Religión, Religion of Santiago Atitlán. José Ratzán

Santiago Atitlán Masacre. Massacre. Juana Dolores Damián


La piedrra de moler, Grinding Stone. Ceclia Ixmata Chox

Contaminación del suelo, Pollution. Antonia Marroquin

Las plantas medicinales, Medicine plant. Franklin Velarmino

Fundación de la Aldea Patanatic. Paula & Bryan Zapeta

El lago de la vida, Lake of life. Nicolas Sol (Chino)

Labor infantil, Child Labor. Alberto Cholotio Ixtamer


Los tejidos, Weavings of Quiejel. Milthon Macro Morales

La cosecha de frutta, Crops of Quiejel. Mariela Sucuna Cagua

Rukux, Threads of life. Diego Antonio Petzey Quiejú


Level 2 Films.

In 2015, we partnered with Adobe Youth Voices to create second level films. The youth from 2013 and 2104 created two production teams, worked together to create their film concepts, and shared responsibilities to finalize the productions.


Mujer Bonita, Beautiful woman. Director: Jessika Tó


Vida sin limites, Life without limiets. Franklin Cholotio